Bertha Vickers was born on Jan. 9, 1918. Woodrow Wilson was in his second term as president. World War I would soon be over and anyone who could afford a car was most likely driving a Ford Model T. Fast forward a century and Vickers mows her own lawn, keeps house, cooks and raises vegetables. She’s hunted and fished most of her life. She still enjoys fishing, but at her age, she said she can no longer go alone.
According to the Clarion Ledger (who have the whole story) that’s not all she’s been up to. After missing four this season, Vickers was determined to bag a deer. And when one came in view from her position in her blind, she decided to watch and wait. Then another doe appeared and she took her shot. Much to her amazement, both dropped.
Vickers also took part in the cleaning process and shared the meat with family members.